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Northern Golf Club change room lockers

CLIENT Northern Golf
LOCATION Melbourne Australia
SECTOR Commercial

The ‘Jewel of the North’

The ‘Jewel of the North’. That’s what many call the Northern Golf Club course situated in Glenroy, just 20 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD.

As part of a refurbishment of their changerooms, we installed 155 PL2 wave door hanging lockers and H2 lockers. In keeping with the Club’s proud 100 year history, the finish chosen for the lockers was an elegant grain matched Laminex called, fittingly, Elegant Oak. Each locker was completed with a Lockin Key Lock and integrated number tag and handle. Other joinery that formed part of the project included a set of open hanging units with integrated shoe shelf compartments.

The result is a good looking, modern and functional change facility that reflects the Club’s historic legacy.

Products used on this project